Public Art

The Seminole Arts Council is happy to report that we have been working on networking with artists of all walks of life from all over the great state of Oklahoma! The board and council members have all agreed that Seminole needs more public art! We are in the process of receiving designs and quotes for murals to be painted in the oldest part of Seminole - the Downtown District! We hope to develop the area so well that citizens covet the work we've done, and hopefully we can develop an actual "Arts District" For Seminole. We also hope these efforts help make downtown more appealing to new businesses coming to Seminole. 
If you are an artist, or know someone who is, who would like to be commissioned to provide public art, please contact us! We want to see what you’ve got! All projects will be budgeted accordingly and fundraising will occur as well. If one thing is true about Seminole, its that it’s citizens truly care and come together to make great things happen in our community.  We can't wait to unveil great things for all to enjoy!! 

#proud #progressive #prosperous


MMIW Mural Completed

Our First Community Mural